Monday, December 8, 2008

Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special

This is probably one of the most insane Christmas specials ever made - not surprising, since it's Pee Wee's Playhouse. This was so campy that John Waters would be jealous. Just look at this list of guest stars:

  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Magic Johnson
  • Grace Jones
  • Frankie and Annette
  • Cher
  • Joan Rivers
  • The Del Rubio Triplets
  • Little Richard
  • K.D. Lang
  • Zsa Zsa Freakin' Gabor
  • Oprah, before she became the self-serving, name-dropping bitch that she is today
  • Dinah Shore
  • Charo

I'm surprised they don't air this on the Logo network. It's rife with gay icons.

This special managed to reach out to most of the demographics: they covered both the secular and religious aspects of Christmas and Hanukkah. Nobody can possibly be offended except for any uptight parents watching this after 1991.

On to the commentary:

  • When the director told those guys in the choir to look as serious as possible, they took it to the extreme. Some of them look like they're singing at a funeral.

  • I wish those two drag queens back-up singers would have made more appearances on the show.

  • "What would you put on my Christmas list if you were me?" I don't know, maybe a huge supply of porn, so you can spank it in the comfort of the playhouse, instead of whipping it out in public and getting your show pulled (no pun intended)? Sorry, still bitter over here.

  • Heh, I KNEW Chairry had a crush on Ms. Yvonne.

  • Florry totally wants to peek under Ms. Yvonne's dress.

  • "I hope it's not a fruitcake." Don't worry Pee Wee, Little Richard will be over later.

  • Grace Jones appears to be wearing the same prosthetic boobs that Marilyn Manson is wearing on the cover of Mechanical Animals.

  • Thank God Cher didn't sing.

  • I wonder how many kids actually heeded Pee Wee's advice and used coconut shavings to make snow angels. I'm sure at least one dumb kid tried to pull that crap.

  • I wonder how Little Richard felt about Morpheus Cowboy Curtis usurping his hair-do.

  • I think Penny either forgot her Ritalin or had a little too much sugar.

  • Charo was totally rocking a crimp.

  • Why didn't Joan Rivers, Dinah Shore, and Whoopi Goldberg join Ms. Renee in singing the dreidel song?

  • They had MAGIC SCREEN narrate the story of the nativity? Seriously? Couldn't they have used a character with a less grating voice?

  • Damn, I wish those workers would add a wing to my house.

  • If Pee Wee gets no presents, is it really a huge loss? He DOES have Jambi.

  • Looks like your wish has yet to come true, Pee Wee.

    Here's part one. The rest are in the uploader's profile.

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