Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

This entry is different from the usual, because I didn't actually watch this when it aired. However, this show is from the early 90s, so it's not exactly off-topic. I discovered the awesomeness of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog through my younger brothers, who watched the reruns on USA during the later half of the 90s, after new episodes were no longer being produced.

The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was yet another cartoon series based on a popular video game. I've always had a soft spot for the old school Sonic games, so I don't know why I originally missed this.

This show was a low-budget crapfest... and that's what made it so great. It was oozing with campiness. Examples:

  • The animation was mediocre at best. Also, the colorist should have been fired.
  • The storylines were extremely slapstick and beyond corny.
  • This show gave the New Kids on the Block cartoon serious competition for the Worst Sound Effects in Animation Award.
  • Catch-phrase after catch-phrase ("Let's speed, keed!", "Gotta blow, Joe!")
  • The music was absolutely horrid, especially the cheesy rendition of In the Hall of the Mountain King that was sprinkled throughout the soundtrack.
  • Sonic was voiced by Mr. Steven Q. Urkel.
  • What late 80s/early 90s show would be complete without a PSA at the end ("Sonic Sez Says")?

    Interestingly, another Sonic cartoon aired on ABC at the same time. I got the series on DVD for my brother last Christmas, and I have to say, it was a damn good show, animation, plot, and music-wise. Unlike The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, this one obviously had a budget of more than 60 dollars.

    Here's one of the cheesier episodes that I remember. I friggin' love Scratch.

  • Here's the opening, which was cut out of the video I posted:

    Finally, heres a bonus "Sonic Sez". Sonic says that sexual harassment is NO GOOD. I love how they use that cheesy version of In the Hall of the Mountain King in the background. At least they didn't show Robotnik chasing Tails while Sonic was talking.


    1. Wow, what a lovely picture of the entire cartoon over, it's a great to see this cartoon.

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    2. I remember that show, but it wasn't as detailed as the later version. With Dr. Robotnic (or Robutt-nic as he had a big butt, having a red paint brush moustache, I though he may have looked like Yosemetie Sam.
      There was one scene in an episode that was too much. The scene was in some portable movie theater, and the movie on the screen shows Dr. Robotnic attempting to blow up and destroy the original NES, as they figure that Sega was the better system.

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