Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sesame Street: Me Lost Me Cookie at the Disco

I'm not in the mood for a long-winded entry today, so here's yet another Sesame Street clip from before I was born. This still aired regularly when I watched the show. My Sesame Street viewing years were during most of the 80s, when disco wasn't just passe, it was reviled. Due to this, I don't think I even knew what disco was until I watched this. I guess Sesame Street really does teach you more than just letters and numbers.

Hmm, I wonder if "cookie" is a codeword for something else. Cookie Monster sure was jonesin'.


  1. .Max Synapse Many that have dealt with depression think there's no escaping it, but that's only true if they don't get help. You just need to know how to find the help you need. This article has many depression tips for recognizing depression's symptoms and how to overcome them.

  2. Coal Moisturizer
    As you head into the summer sun, use a sponge for sunscreen applications as opposed to your hands. This will help in the penetration process of your skin. Also, you can reduce the sticky residue that can be left on your skin.

  3. Nutri Fast Garcinia Eating cereal every day of the week has shown that it is good for losing weight. Cereal with milk contains both fiber, which is healthy for your heart, as well as calcium. But, not all cereals are healthy, so avoid sugary ones like Cap'n Crunch. Try cereals low in sugar, such as Grape Nuts or Total.

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  4. Choose a skin care regimen based on your particular skin type. If you don't know the type of your skin, then you will not be able to effectively pick the right skin care product you are to use. Before you treat yourskin, know your skin

    Derma Gieo Serum
    Use a makeup sponge to apply your sunscreen. The sponge will spread the sunscreen more evenly and you won't have to touch the lotion. A sponge applicator will help sunscreen to get deeper into the skin where it is absorbed best. Your hands will stay clean as well! If you wear eyeglasses every day, they should be cleaned on a weekly basis

  5. Alpha Monster Advanced Try mixing up the grip for the back. Achieve more strength by using a mixed or staged grip when performing deadlifts and rack pulls. Staggered grips help twist the weight bar in one direction, working your muscles a certain way, while an underhand grip twists the weight bar in the opposite direction, working your muscles differently. This will stop the bar when it starts to roll on your hands.

  6. HL Slim Pro Doing chores around your house each day may help keep extra pounds away. Cleaning your house by using a fast paced technique with no breaks in between different chores can be a great work out. Listening to music while cleaning will make chores seem more fun. Break into a dance now and then to burn a few extra calories!

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  7. Magic Rock Rx

    Grill some kabobs for a fun dinner. Kids will also enjoy eating this type of food. Use bright colors to increase visual attraction.To make the most out of your baking, substitute enriched white flour with unprocessed wheat flour instead. Whole wheat flour contains fiber and has more nutrients than heavily processed white flour.

  8. Ultimate Testo Explosion

    Get a body fat percentage reading regularly if you are trying to build muscle. Don't just look at your weight, because you might be losing fat and gaining muscle. In fact, tracking your weight may make you become discouraged since your weight may be increasing as you build muscle.

  9. Nuvega Lash

    You will be able to stave off sunburn and look younger.If you are experiencing redness, look at all of your skincare products. It's better to have fewer ingredients. If your skin is sensitive, using too many ingredients can work against you. This can very well make your skin redder. You might even have a break out.


  10. Purely Vibrant

    Don't wear clothes that are wet, and take them off as soon as possible if they become damp. If you have wet clothes like socks, this can irritate skin and cause flaking, bleeding, or eczema.If you have skin redness, make sure you check the ingredients in any skin care products you plan to use. It is best to choose products with only a few ingredients. If you have sensitive skin, more ingredients could be entirely counterproductive. You could have more problems with your skin because of this. Even worse, your skin may suffer breakouts!


  11. Beauty & Truth

    You need to take care of your skin by watching what you eat. Contrary to popular belief, foods such as french fries and chocolate do not cause acne. However, diet does play an important role in skin care. Your diet should consist of proper amounts of each nutritious food group. Try to eat plenty of veggies, fruits, whole grains and nuts. All these items contain nutrients that help fight breakouts.Try to keep your stress levels down. In a stressed body the levels of adrenaline, DHEA and cortisol increase. These bodily chemicals can cause certain skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne to happen. As your body goes, so does your skin; relaxing your mind can literally make your skin glow.


  12. Titanax Male Enhancement

    If you're going to start doing weight lifting, come up with concrete goals first. To build muscle mass, lift heavier weights. If you're interested in toning your muscle, do even more repetitions of lower weights instead of increasing the weight.Jogging builds stamina. You must start slow and then gradually build up when jogging every week. Make an effort to get your heart rate to stay at about 75% of your maximum or around 135 beats a minute. This is just an average; how old you are makes a difference when it comes to the actual number.


  13. Firmaluxe Serum

    When purchasing sunscreen, take care to read the label. Different sunscreens can contain vastly different things. The best sunscreen should include avobenzone, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide since these ingredients protect skin from UV rays. You also need to check for any skin irritants.Take off all makeup before you go to bed to have better-looking skin. Washing off makeup inhibits the growth of bacteria on your skin and removes excess oils that may cause problems. The cells in your body renew themselves while you sleep.


  14. Core Max Ultra

    When lifting weights, you will help muscle mass if you do a lot of reps with a light weight; that is in contrast to fewer reps with high weight. Strength and muscle mass are needed to maintain endurance and strength. The largest body builders in the world do this. A machine with thin padding can cause discomfort and bruising, failing to provide the support necessary during your exercise routine.
