Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fifteen (A.K.A. Hillside)

Fifteen was a teen drama that aired on Nickelodeon in the early nineties. I have a few vague memories of it, but other than the theme music and some minor details, most are a blur, so I decided to do a little research.

So it turns out that Fifteen is the American title. The show's real name is Hillside and it's Canadian. And... that's about all of the information I managed to find.

Let me tell you, the utter crappiness of this show was definitely lost on me at seven years old. It's hilariously cringeworthy. After watching the actress that plays Courtney, I understand where the creators of South Park get that Canadian flapping head stereotype.

Here's a full episode. I did post an extra clip of the theme song, since it was cut out of the video, but it's been taken down from Youtube. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, the kid in the striped shirt? He eventually grew up to become Van Wilder .


  1. Every time I see Ryan Reynolds I remember how much I hated him in Fifteen. I started researching it today because I couldn't remember the name of the show. When I found clips on youtube, it all came back as if it were yesterday!! I watched it religiously, and I was 15!

  2. Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.

  3. Thanks for the post- I was just talking about this show with my sister-in-law the other day- and then I read this quote from Ryan Reynolds about this awful show he was on when he started acting, now I see your clip on this blog. This clip brought it all back- I was 9 and in love with this show- I actually remember this episode. WOW!

  4. Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

  5. Oh, Ryan Reynolds! LOL
    Looks like you can download episodes from iTunes now.

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  9. I too still equate Ryan Reynolds with this show and picture the buck teeth. My sister and I used to watch like crazy and sometimes adopt Canadian accents and say things like "aboot." It came on back to back with Welcome Freshman.

  10. Thank so much for posting this! Used to watch this show religiously. Sure it's lame but sometimes I still wish life was this ridiculous and ludicrously simple :)

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